Coconut & Pineapple Vodka
Wyborowa Coconut & Pineapple Vodka - A refreshing and well-balanced vodka using coconut and pineapple. This fruity and fresh spirit is sweet in all the right ways with a low alcohol intensity, it’s the perfect ‘fruity’ premium vodka.
One of the most popular vodka brands in the world, Wyborowa is proud to be one of the few vodkas in Poland to be eligible for the designation of origin “Polish Vodka”. Wyborowa’s production process is based on the Polish distillery tradition, perfected over the course of nearly 500 years, and uses only Polish ingredients of the highest quality. The result is an award-winning combination that has secured Wyborowa Gold for the last 3 years at the World Spirits Awards, ensuring their continued reputation for excellence.
Renowned for its purity and high-quality: the production process, passed down through generations, involves multiple distillations and filtrations to achieve a clean and smooth spirit. The whole production process is carried out in Poland, containing no additives other than water and is crafted from Polish rye.
Transparent, yellow splash. Fruity and fresh aromas are the first to hit the nose, similar to fruit juice then spirit. A distinctive, smooth and bold flavour with a refreshing sourness of second fruit. Well balanced mixes without sharpness with a full bodied and warming mouthfeel and finish.
50cl - 30% ABV.